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Marconi Electronic Devices

Page history last edited by Alan Hartley-Smith 4 years, 7 months ago

Marconi Electronic Devices (MEDL)

Semiconductor operations were first established at Lincoln in 1956 when British Thomson Houston Ltd (BTH) purchased land and buildings. BTH was a subsidiary of the Associated Electrical Industries Group and operated world leading semiconductor research and manufacturing units in the heart of England at Rugby and Leicester. Following the successful development of new silicon semiconductor power device technologies, and responding to a growing market demand for power electronic equipment, BTH had decided to move to new premises in order to expand its production and selected Lincoln UK for its main production location. Operations at Lincoln have remained the centre for silicon high power semiconductor devices, and subsequently silicon on sapphire, product design, development and manufacture. Beginning with the transfer of know how from BTH, the Lincoln operation has acted as a magnet, capturing the best in power semiconductor technology from other well-known groups including AEI, GEC, Marconi and SGS-Thomson.

In 1963 the site was name changed to Associated Electrical Industries (AEI) and probably to GEC around the late 60’s. In 1980 the site became Marconi Electronic Devices Ltd (MEDL) and again in 1990 the site was under the banner of  GEC Plessey Semiconductors.

1996 New Power semiconductor wafer fabrication facilities established at Doddington Road

Finally in 2000, and up to the present, the  Lincoln business was acquired by Dynex Power Inc of Canada and structured as Dynex Semiconductor Ltd.

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